Dental Implant

Replacing a single tooth

A crown mounted on a dental implant is one of the best choice’s if you have a tooth missing in the upper or lower jaw. The need to replace a missing tooth could be the result of an accident or because there was no predisposition for a tooth at birth. 

Replacing several teeth

If you have lost several teeth there are two solutions: separate crowns on dental implants or a bridge attached to several dental implants. 

Replacing all teeth

If all of your teeth are missing in the upper or lower jaw, dental implants are the best solution. You can choose a full bridge that is attached to several dental implants. Another option is a removable prosthesis that is attached via anchoring devices to two or more dental implants. The prosthesis remains securely in place in your mouth – yet it is easy to remove. 

Benefits of Dental Implant

  • They look, feel and function like your natural teeth.

  • Anchoring dental implants in the jawbone stimulates bone tissue and gums, ensuring an attractive, esthetic result while helping to maintain facial structures.

  • Dental implants are made of pure titanium. This material is perfectly compatible with the body and over time becomes completely integrated with the bone tissue. Extensive scientific documentation from clinical studies confirms that implants enable very good results — over both the short- and long-term.

  • Replacement materials are available even after many years.

  • Implant abutments can be replaced at any time or adjusted to conform to a subsequent change in the prosthetic situation.

  • Healthy teeth do not need to be ground down to support the dental implants.

  • Dental implants do not require any adhesives to hold the new teeth in place.

Missing teeth and loose dentures make too many people sit on the sidelines and let life pass them by. However, today’s modern treatment plans can replace everything from a single missing tooth to a completely missing arch. Ask us about the different dental implant options that are available to you. Do not let another day go by without taking this important first step to restoring your confidence and your smile!

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a post that serves as a tooth root, usually made of titanium. Dental implants are most often the best treatment for missing teeth.

Stop the bone loss that can lead to premature aging

Losing one or more of your teeth starts a chain of events that can have dire physical and cosmetic consequences. The most obvious result is a gap in your smile. Less obvious is the loss of chewing function and the inability to eat a complete diet that can result from tooth loss. While these are certainly serious issues, a potentially bigger problem lies hidden beneath the surface: bone loss.

Your jawbone needs the chewing action of the teeth to stimulate it and keep it strong. Otherwise it will begin to disappear (atrophy) in the same manner that the unused muscles beneath a cast supporting a broken bone get smaller. Without the support of your teeth and facial bones, your face will begin to look prematurely aged. The good news is that tooth replacement with dental implants offers a solution to help prevent bone loss.